There are seven chakras in total, and each one is said to correspond to a specific area of the body. In addition, each chakra is said to have its own unique function and attribute. Chakras originated in India between 1500 and 500 B.C.
The root chakra, for example, is associated with feelings of safety and security. It's responsible for grounding us in the physical world and providing a sense of foundation and stability. The sacral chakra, on the other hand, is responsible for our creativity and sexual energy.
Each chakra has its own unique colour, mantra, and set of crystals that can be used to help open it up.
"The Complete Guide to Chakras." It's a comprehensive resource that will teach you everything you need to know about this fascinating topic! The chakras are said to be the focal points of our spiritual energy. They play an important role in our physical, emotional, and mental health, and when they're in balance, we experience a sense of health and well-being.
Chakra is a Sanskrit terminology which literally means a wheel or a disk. The role of it is to balance spiritual, physical, mental and emotional health of the body by drawing in energy from the energy centres.

The Root Chakra (Muladhara in Sanskrit)
The Root Chakra is the first chakra in the system. It is the foundation or you may call it a pillar of trust. The Colour of this Chakra is represented as Red and the element associated with it is Earth.
Location - Base of the spine or you may understand it as The Pelvic Floor region.
Responsibility - Grounding us to the earth and providing a sense of security and stability.
What is it? - Think about your root chakra (Muladhara in Sanskrit) as the foundation of a building, but for your body—when in balance, it's sturdy, balanced, and encouraging. As such, it's responsible for your sense of security and survival. It's also connected to whatever you use to ground yourself, including basic needs, such as food, water, shelter, and safety, as well as your more emotional needs, such as letting go of fear and feeling safe. As you well know, when these needs are met, you tend to worry less.
When this chakra is balanced - We feel secure and safe and are able to navigate through life's challenges with a sense of ease and grace. We are also able to connect with our primal instincts and access our inner strength and resilience.
How to determine if this chakra is not balanced? - If you are feeling lost, insecure, or unsupported, it might be time to focus on balancing your Root Chakra. There are many ways to do this, such as through tantra yoga, meditation, and tantra ritual. With a little work, you can soon restore balance and feel more rooted in your life once again.
What if we don't attempt to balance it? - A number of ailments can occur from an unbalanced root chakra, including anxiety disorders, fears, or nightmares. Physically, the first chakra is associated with problems in the colon, the bladder, secretion, or the lower back. Emotionally, we may feel unhappy, unsatisfied, fearful and anxious. Mentally we may feel depressed, unsynchronised and non-decisive.

The Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana in Sanskrit)
The second chakra, known as the sacral chakra is represented by the colour orange and is associated with the element water.
Location - Lower abdomen, just above the pubic bone
Responsibility - Creativity, sexual energy, and enjoyment of life. It is also linked to our sense of self-worth and emotional balance.
What is it? - The Sacral Chakra, or Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, is the most animated out of the seven. This chakra houses our emotions, passions, and pleasures—the things that emotionally satiate us and give us joy—and is considered the creative and sexual energy center of the body.
When this chakra is balanced - We feel passionate and creative and are able to enjoy life to the fullest. We develop a sense of self-worth and emotional balance.
How to determine if this chakra is not balanced? - When it is out of balance, we may feel sexually repressed or have difficulty asserting ourselves in the world. This can also be associated with physical sexual dysfunction, while also potentially experiencing fear of change, depression, or addiction-like behaviours.
When Sacral Chakra is underactive, you may experience low libido, lack of pleasure, hormonal dysfunction and fertility issues. On the other when it is overactive, we may feel addiction - abuse such as higher than normal sexual drive, lots of emotional fluctuation such as at times you may feel "very happy" and suddenly you may feel "completely confused and lost"
What if we don't attempt to balance it? - You may face an unhealthy relationship, lower than average libido, lesser energy, unhealthy communication which often might turn into arguments, higher stress, and mood fluctuations which thus can lead to lesser creativity and acceptance.

The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura in Sanskrit)
The solar plexus chakra is the Third Chakra which plays an important role in establishing self-trust and self-belief and is represented by the colour yellow and is associated with the element fire.
Location - Upper abdomen, just below the ribcage
Responsibility - It is responsible for our feelings of self-worth, self-esteem, and power of wisdom.
What is it? - The Sacral Chakra, or Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, is the most animated out of the seven. This chakra houses our emotions, passions, and pleasures—the things that emotionally satiate us and give us joy—and is considered the creative and sexual energy center of the body.
When this chakra is balanced - We feel confident and powerful. We know our worth and feel comfortable in our own skin. We are able to stand up for ourselves and speak our minds.
How to determine if this chakra is not balanced? - We can feel insecure and shy. We may doubt our own abilities and feel like we are not good enough. We may be easily overwhelmed or angered by others.
If you are feeling low on energy or struggling with issues of self-confidence, focus on balancing your solar plexus chakra.
We may have difficulty in making decisions, we may have anger management issues. It's not just feeling bad about ourselves, but also may lead you to outwardly express apathy, procrastination, or that you're able to be taken advantage of easily.
Physically you may experience digestive issues such as Gastritis, Indigestion and more.
Signs of an overactive solar plexus include a rampant ego—being power hungry and egotistical, resulting in manic behaviour and hyperactive energy.
What if we don't attempt to balance it? - Since, Solar Plexus Chakra is related to Wisdom and Power, if not balanced we may experience a strange emotional disconnection from the outer world. We will be lost in our own imagination without even experiencing what the world has to offer to us. We may develop a serious stomach infection which can lead to several diseases.

The Heart Chakra (Anahata in Sanskrit)
The heart chakra, or Anahata in Sanskrit, is the fourth chakra and it's represented by the colour green and the element air.
"It's the awakening to spiritual awareness, forgiveness, and service."
Location - Middle of your chest, encapsulating the heart, the thymus gland (which plays a vital role in your endocrine and lymphatic system), the lungs, and the breasts
Responsibility - Love, Compassion, and Self-Acceptance.
What is it? - As the central chakra, the fourth chakra (or Anahata) represents where the physical and the spiritual meet. And as its name implies, it is all about love. It's the awakening to spiritual awareness, forgiveness, and service. It's believed that when your heart chakra is aligned and balanced, love and compassion are flowing freely—both in terms of giving it out and getting it back.
"Your good vibes are practically contagious."
When this chakra is balanced - We will feel open and loving towards others, as well as ourselves. You'll be able to give and receive love freely and be able to forgive yourself and others. The heart chakra is all about fostering inner peace and harmony.
How to determine if this chakra is not balanced? - We will feel tenderness. An unbalanced heart chakra can pave a way for grief, anger, jealousy, fear of betrayal and hatred towards oneself as well as others. When underactive we may feel emotionally blocked and we may find it difficult to overcome traumas and fears related to betrayal. We may not be able to forgive and forget but on the other side when it is overactive we may have a tendency to care too much, give away love more than what is needed, and have too much dependence, jealousy, and over-protectiveness.
What if we don't attempt to balance it? - Since, Solar Plexus Chakra is related to Love and Healing, if not balanced we may experience a complete emotional cut-off which can lead to trust issues, anger issues, worsening relationships and constant fear of betrayal.

The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha in Sanskrit)
The fifth chakra, known as the Throat Chakra is represented by the colour blue and the element associated with it is Ether.
Location - Located in the throat; is associated with the thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, neck, mouth, tongue, and larynx
Responsibility - It governs the areas of self-expression, creativity, and verbalization. This chakra is all about being heard and understood, both by others and by oneself.
is all about communication.
What is it? - Throat Chakra or Fifth chakra, which is all about speaking your inner truth—or, specifically, ensuring that your inner truths are properly communicated. It's the first of the three solely spiritual chakras as opposed to the lower ones, which manifest themselves in a more physical way. When this chakra is balanced, you're able to fully listen as well as speak and express yourself clearly.
When this chakra is balanced - If your throat chakra is balanced and is in the neutral position you will be able to explain yourself clearly and maintain calmness and composure while dictating. You will be able to communicate effectively and your communication will have authority and confidence in it.
How to determine if this chakra is not balanced? - If the Throat Chakra is blocked or out of balance, you may find it difficult to communicate your feelings and thoughts effectively. You may also have difficulty asserting yourself or speaking your mind. Signs of an overactive throat chakra include talking too much, being overly domineering in conversations, and being overly critical or judgmental of others.
What if we don't attempt to balance it? - Since, effective communication in today's world is the only way to convince, confuse and convey. Hence, it becomes a necessity to have your throat chakra balanced since it will not help you be polite, and it will help you to stay relaxed and not nervous while communicating. "Communication is a key to success in life, and success brings respect and confidence."

The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna in Sanskrit)
The third eye chakra or Ajna chakra in Sanskrit is our sixth chakra. It is represented by the colour indigo and is associated with the element of light.
Location - In the center of the forehead and just above the eyebrows. It rules organs including the pituitary gland, eyes, head, and lower part of the brain.
Responsibility - The third eye chakra or Ajna in Sanskrit is all about intuition, clarity of thoughts and insight.
What is it? - It governs your intuition—plus the ability to recognize and tap into it. What's more, the third eye is also said to be responsible for all things between you and the outside world, serving as a bridge between the two. It allows you to cut through any illusions and drama to see the clear picture.
When this chakra is balanced - When this chakra is in balance, you'll have a strong intuition and be able to see things clearly both mentally and emotionally. You'll also be more in touch with your inner thoughts and feelings, and be better able to understand yourself and others.
How to determine if this chakra is not balanced? - We may experience problems like confusion, indecisiveness, and a general feeling of being lost. You may also find yourself in a situation wherein you won't be able to learn any new skills. Also to note, if your lower chakras as mentioned above are unbalanced, it is a clear indication that your Third Eye chakra is also not in balance. With an underactive brow chakra, we may overly intellectualize things and try to ‘work things out,’ which can result in feeling both overwhelmed and exhausted and disconnects us from the power of our own intuition. As a result, we may be quite fearful and distrustful of the process of life and have anxiety over the future.
What if we don't attempt to balance it? - If we don't attempt to balance the third eye chakra we will not feel alive, aware and relaxed. We might build up a tendency to be judgemental, dismissive and introverted.

The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara in Sanskrit)
The crown chakra, or Sahasrara in Sanskrit. It is associated with the colour violet and there is no element which represents it.
Location - At the top of the head or we may say specifically just near the frontal lobe of your brain.
Responsibility - The Crown Chakra or Sahasrara in Sanskrit is responsible for our connection to the divine and is thought to be the seat of the soul. Specifically spirituality.
What is it? - Known in Sanskrit as Sahasrara, or the “thousand petal lotus” chakra, the crown is the center of enlightenment and our spiritual connection to our higher selves, others, and, ultimately, the divine.
When this chakra is balanced - When aligned, the realizations that occur within you are said to be along the lines of pure consciousness—undivided and all expansive. Basically, bigger than yourself and part of one giant universe.
How to determine if this chakra is not balanced? - When this chakra is blocked or out of balance, we may feel disconnected from our spiritual side, or from a Higher Power. We may also have difficulty thinking creatively or coming up with new ideas.
With an underactive crown chakra, we may feel apathetic and listless, almost energetically numb and feel a sense of disconnection which results in a lack of direction and purpose in life.
An overactive crown chakra often manifests as a desire for material belongings which never seems capable of being satisfied.
What if we don't attempt to balance it? - You will eventually lose the power of intuition which helps you connect to your higher self. You will develop greed, superficiality, and arrogance which often results in a disconnection from others as well as the universe. You will gradually become apathetic and lifeless which will give you a form of psychotic depression disorder.
A balanced Chakra can help you lead a life with clarity and freedom. You may experience improved self-trust and confidence which will eventually help you to succeed in your life long goals. Be it your relationship or be it your professional life.
Consult Breathwork Healthcare Private Limited for a professional guidance and counselling.